Thursday, May 27, 2010

Favorite Freezer Tip: Bell Peppers

Favorite Freezer Thing #3

Bell Peppers

When I was younger, I was never a fan of green peppers. (or red, or yellow, or orange) I remember when I finally learned that a recipe that calls for peppers actually has more flavor if you actually put the peppers in it. I still don't put as much as a recipe calls for, so I always have some leftover. (or if I buy them at Costco, then I have 5 left)

Slice them up and put them in the freezer and they are there whenever you need some in a recipe. I have green and red in my freezer right now. There will be recipes where you will need fresh ones, but this freezer item has saved me many times.


  1. I love to freeze peppers, too! When there's a good price I fill small containers with chopped peppers.

  2. Layne and I freeze peppers all the time too! It is so handy when I need them to make omelets and other yummy recipes. It's nice to know I'm not the only one that freezes peppers!
