Frozen Cookie Dough
The other night our teenage son stayed home and "hung out" with mom and dad. We watched a couple of our favorite TV shows together. (yeah DVR) This does not happen very often so I thought I should do something so that he wouldn't wish he was with his friends. Thus FFT #2 saved the day. We were able to have warm chocolate chip cookies and milk while we watched TV. (surely that's better than friends!!)
Next time you make your favorite cookies, consider freezing some of the dough. Once you have cooked the amount you want to share with your family, scoop the rest of the dough onto a cookie sheet. These can be close together. Stick the cookie sheet in the freezer for
a couple of hours, then take your ready to bake cookies and put them all in a freezer bag. Now you can take out a few at a time to bake so that you can have fresh warm cookies whenever you want. (I guess you could cook just 2 for yourself while your kids are at school, if you're having a bad day)
When I want to cook some, I put them on a cookie sheet and let them sit for about a half hour and warm up my oven. (you will want to write on the bag, the instructions for cooking)
Here are our cookies ready to bake!

I just made dough for my skookie the other night and froze the rest. Its a great way to keep it around and now, the cookie cravings can be fulfilled quickly without the time and effort. :)