I feel so honored!
The Liebster Award is for blogs that have 200 followers or less. The word “Liebster” is German for kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, valued, cute, pleasant, endearing and welcome.
The lovely Glitzy Pear, a fellow crafter and blogger nominated this humble little blog of mine as a recipient of this fun blogger award and I couldn't be more excited! Its a first for me, to be acknowledged by someone else for my little piece of cyberspace! So a big thank you to her for her thoughtfulness. You should check out her blog here, she's got some great projects!
Here are the rules for accepting this award:
1. Each person most post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, and then create 11 new questions for the people you tag with the award.
3. Chose some(5-10) bloggers (with less than 200 followers) and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them about the award (social networks accepted).
5. If you have not done so already, follow the tagger and visit at least three nominees. Spread the love!
6. And remember, no tag backs!
As I can't say much for any of the other cooks who post here (Glenna and Janell mostly) I thought I would answer them for myself and accept it for all of us.
11 things about myself
1 I have two boys (1 little guy + a husband)
2 I love to craft and cook!
3 I love to plan/create parties
4 I love to learn new things
5 My favorite thing to eat is pasta.
6 I want to learn photography.
7 Halloween is the biggest party of the year (followed closely by St. Patrick's Day).
8 My favorite color is green.
9 I want a puppy.
10 Fall is my new favorite season. Spring is hard to beat though...
11 My best friend shares the same name as me!
Birth mother Baskets questions to me..
1. If you could meet anyone (dead or alive) who would it be?
2. What would you do if you had a free day all to yourself?
3. Favorite place to eat out?
4. What are you most passionate about?
5. Favorite vacation spot?
6. What are you afraid of?
7. What would you do with a million dollars?
8. Best tip/advice you've received?
9. Who/what inspires you?
10. Something you can't live without?
11. Favorite Gummy Bear flavor?
Glitzy Pear's questions to me:
1. One spot in the world you would love to go? The Holy Land
2. Favorite place in your house? I love spending time in the kitchen...when its not 95+ degrees...
3. Do you stop to smell the roses? I LOVE Roses. you better believe I stop to smell them!
4. Would you rather read or watch a movie? I'd love to say read... but I am lazy enough movies happen more than they should...
5. Your favorite sport team? BYU Cougars
6. If you could have anything for your house what would it be? A big, safe, fun backyard.
7. Favorite color? Lime Green!
8.One dinner that your kids love to eat (made by you of course). My boys both love chicken roll-ups and curried chicken.
9. Favorite day of the week- Friday or Saturday
10. What do want to drive when all the kids are grown- VW (lime green) bug,
11. Are you a neat crafter? I'd love to say "of course" but that wouldn't be totally honest... I like to be organized but there are a lot few unfinished projects sitting out more often than not...
MY Winners!
So here are my new favorite blogs and I tell ya these ladies are amazing! Homemaking, Food, DIY, the list goes on! Go ahead and check them out and show them some love!
Be it Ever So Humble
{So Much} Jane and Eugene
Do or DIY
Little Magnolia Kitchen
A Slice of Our Life
Simple Inspiration
MY Winners!
So here are my new favorite blogs and I tell ya these ladies are amazing! Homemaking, Food, DIY, the list goes on! Go ahead and check them out and show them some love!
Be it Ever So Humble
{So Much} Jane and Eugene
Do or DIY
Little Magnolia Kitchen
A Slice of Our Life
Simple Inspiration
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